On 24/02/2022 21:18, Chuck Tuffli wrote:
On Tue, Feb 22, 2022 at 1:16 PM Pete French <p...@twisted.org.uk> wrote:
root@serpentine-vgay:/usr/home/webadmin # nvmecontrol identify nda2
Size:                        292968750 blocks
Capacity:                    292968750 blocks
Utilization:                 292968750 blocks
LBA Format #00: Data Size:   512  Metadata Size:     0  Performance: Best

This says the capacity is 140GB which matches with your expectations
if I'm understanding correctly. Can you run:
     nvmecontrol identify nvme2 | grep "Serial Number"
via both ssh and from the serial console?

Serial Number:               AWS26C9F8A45429C4403

in both cases

But I found an easier way to reporduce the bug. On ssh, if I do 'su -' instead of 'su' then the wrong value appears:

$ su
root@serpentine-vgay:/usr/home/webadmin # diskinfo nda2
nda2    512     150000000000    292968750       131072  0
root@serpentine-vgay:/usr/home/webadmin # exit
$ su -
root@serpentine-vgay:~ # diskinfo nda2
nda2    512     1072431104      2094592 131072  0
root@serpentine-vgay:~ # logout

That makes sense - as 'su -' simulates a login, which is what I am doing on the serial console. But I was under the impresison that the main differences between the two were in the environment variables which get set, and they seem to be identical.

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