So, I have a number of machines in AWS. They are all of type r5a.xlarge
which is supposed to have 140 gig of instance syorage on it. All these
machines started life as clones of the same dirve, ro are runnign the
same OS kernel, and they all have mysql on them. Some of them also have
Apache and some other software, but I thought the config of the base OS
was the same. Certainly /boot/loader.conf and /etc/sysctl.conf are
indentical and its the same kernel and userland running on all of them.
but on the mysql-only of the machines the instance drives have the worng
size, around a gig, and are not recognised properly. Example, heres iw
what it is supposed to look like (from one of the Apache machines)
root@sydney01:/usr/home/webadmin # diskinfo -v nda2
512 # sectorsize
150000000000 # mediasize in bytes (140G)
292968750 # mediasize in sectors
0 # stripesize
0 # stripeoffset
Amazon EC2 NVMe Instance Storage # Disk descr.
AWSB7ABDF8FE8D0597AF # Disk ident.
nvme2 # Attachment
Yes # TRIM/UNMAP support
0 # Rotation rate in RPM
and here is one of the ones which is wrong...
root@serpentine-sydy:~ # diskinfo -v nda2
512 # sectorsize
886571008 # mediasize in bytes (846M)
1731584 # mediasize in sectors
131072 # stripesize
0 # stripeoffset
No # TRIM/UNMAP support
Unknown # Rotation rate in RPM
But both machines, in dmesg, have lines which look like this:
nda2 at nvme2 bus 0 scbus2 target 0 lun 1
nda2: <Amazon EC2 NVMe Instance Storage 0 AWSB7ABDF8FE8D0597AF>
nda2: Serial Number AWSB7ABDF8FE8D0597AF
nda2: nvme version 1.0 x0 (max x0) lanes PCIe Gen0 (max Gen0) link
nda2: 143051MB (292968750 512 byte sectors)
So on both of then the detection says its the right size.
The oddest this is that this is completely reproducible betwene data
centres - the above machines above are in Sydney, but I get precisely
the same result from the machines in North Virginia. So its something
about the config but what on earth could it be ?
I am very puzzled - I have a set of database-nly machine sin Frankfurt,
and they behave fine! Poissibly I should just clone those to Australia
and the US, but I would like to find out what the magic difference is
between them.