On Tue, Feb 22, 2022, 12:12 PM Pete French <p...@twisted.org.uk> wrote:

> So, I have a number of machines in AWS. They are all of type r5a.xlarge
> which is supposed to have 140 gig of instance syorage on it. All these
> machines started life as clones of the same dirve, ro are runnign the
> same OS kernel, and they all have mysql on them. Some of them also have
> Apache and some other software, but I thought the config of the base OS
> was the same. Certainly /boot/loader.conf and /etc/sysctl.conf are
> indentical and its the same kernel and userland running on all of them.
> but on the mysql-only of the machines the instance drives have the worng
> size, around a gig, and are not recognised properly. Example, heres iw
> what it is supposed to look like (from one of the Apache machines)
> root@sydney01:/usr/home/webadmin # diskinfo -v nda2
> nda2
>         512             # sectorsize
>         150000000000    # mediasize in bytes (140G)
>         292968750       # mediasize in sectors
>         0               # stripesize
>         0               # stripeoffset
>         Amazon EC2 NVMe Instance Storage        # Disk descr.
>         AWSB7ABDF8FE8D0597AF    # Disk ident.
>         nvme2           # Attachment
>         Yes             # TRIM/UNMAP support
>         0               # Rotation rate in RPM
> and here is one of the ones which is wrong...
> root@serpentine-sydy:~ # diskinfo -v nda2
> nda2
>          512             # sectorsize
>          886571008       # mediasize in bytes (846M)
>          1731584         # mediasize in sectors
>          131072          # stripesize
>          0               # stripeoffset
>          No              # TRIM/UNMAP support
>          Unknown         # Rotation rate in RPM

What does 'nvmecontrol identify nvme2' and 'nvmecontrol identify nda2' say
for each?


But both machines, in dmesg, have lines which look like this:
> nda2 at nvme2 bus 0 scbus2 target 0 lun 1
> nda2: <Amazon EC2 NVMe Instance Storage 0 AWSB7ABDF8FE8D0597AF>
> nda2: Serial Number AWSB7ABDF8FE8D0597AF
> nda2: nvme version 1.0 x0 (max x0) lanes PCIe Gen0 (max Gen0) link
> nda2: 143051MB (292968750 512 byte sectors)
> So on both of then the detection says its the right size.
> The oddest this is that this is completely reproducible betwene data
> centres - the above machines above are in Sydney, but I get precisely
> the same result from the machines in North Virginia. So its something
> about the config but what on earth could it be ?
> I am very puzzled - I have a set of database-nly machine sin Frankfurt,
> and they behave fine! Poissibly I should just clone those to Australia
> and the US, but I would like to find out what the magic difference is
> between them.
> -pete.

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