Hi, Here is the draft which had been proposed by Ian a long time ago, and seemed accepted by the Debian staff:
Do yu need some special formatting/layout? iirc some small typo/wording were changed, but the essential is here. Regards === draft letter === RE DEBIAN - EUROPEAN ARTICLE NUMBER (EAN) To Whom It May Concern The Debian Project ("Debian") and Software In The Public Interest Inc ("SPI") wish to make known that: 1. Debian, through its Trusted Organisations including SPI, owns and controls the trademark "Debian" in various jurisdictions. 2. Debian does not provide European Article Numbers (EANs). Nor do any of Debian's associated organisations do so on Debian's behalf. 3. Debian and SPI give public permission for products embodying Debian's software and documentation to be sold, according to the Debian Trademark Policy (which can be found at https://www.debian.org/trademark). That policy does not make any requirement about EANs. Therefore (provided the the policy is adhered to) we have no objection to Debian branded products being sold without EANs. 4. Debian do not anticpate this situation changing in the next 2 years. Specifically, we do not expect to be issuing EANs within the next 2 years. 5. Please therefore allow vendors of Debian merchandise to trade, notwithstanding any lack of EANs for those products. 6. This is without predjudice, of course, to our right to enforce our trademarks against anyone found violating our trademark policy. We are simply saying that lack of an EAN is, in itself, completely fine. Signed for the Debian Project for Software in the Public Intere === email from trading platform support desk to a Debian vendor === signature_jp_2 Logo Hypra JEAN-PHILIPPE MENGUAL DIRECTEUR TECHNIQUE ET QUALITÉ 102, rue des poissonniers, 75018, Paris Tel : +331 84 73 06 61 <tel:+33184730661> Mob : +336 76 34 93 37 <tel:+33676349337> jpmeng...@hypra.fr <mailto:jpmeng...@hypra.fr> www.hypra.fr <http://www.hypra.fr/> Facebook Hypra <https://www.facebook.com/hyprasoftware/> Twitter Hypra <https://twitter.com/Hypra_> Linkedin Jean-Philippe <https://fr.linkedin.com/in/jean-philippe-mengual-800133135> Le 18/08/2018 à 21:33, Martin Michlmayr a écrit : > * Martin Michlmayr <t...@cyrius.com> [2018-07-07 00:52]: >> I'm happy for SPI to sign this. Can you please prepare the official >> letter? > Any update on this? >
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