Hi! On Thu, 2017-08-31 at 15:19:18 +0100, Ian Jackson wrote: > Summary: > > Debian would like to sign, jointly with SPI, a letter stating that we > do not intend to apply for EANs. A draft of the letter is below.
> === draft letter === […] > 4. Debian do not anticpate this situation changing in the next 2 > years. Specifically, we do not expect to be issuing EANs within the > next 2 years. […] > === email from trading platform support desk to a Debian vendor === > > From: Support Vendeur **** > To:*** > Subject: RE:[CASE ****] Demande de courrier […] > You also need to prove a letter coming from your manufacturer that > states those facts: […] > -your manufacturer is not going to buy any EAN code during the 2 next > years. […] I'm not sure whether this is splitting hairs, but wouldn't issuing a letter stating those 2 years make any similar request in the near future that demands a 2 years span, require reissuing a new letter? Perhaps it should be 3 or 4 years instead? One possible problem is that this means we cannot change our minds for a "long" time if need be, but I think there is indeed consensus that we'd not want to do that. But of course with these things you never know what will happen in 1 year! :) Thanks, Guillem _______________________________________________ Spi-general mailing list Spi-general@lists.spi-inc.org http://lists.spi-inc.org/listinfo/spi-general