Previously MJ Ray wrote:
> Wichert Akkerman <> wrote:
> > Previously Joerg Jaspert wrote:
> > > For the website, do not assume we stay with Plone much longer. Currently
> > > you can assume we are switching to ikiwiki and have the storage in
> > > git. So thats where you want to base your code on, but that should be a
> > > few $VCS add/comit/push commands only.
> >
> > Out of curiosity: why?
> We (Ganneff, Hydroxide, me, bdale, luk_ and mc in roughly that order
> of culpability) considered plone, ikiwiki, drupal, MT and wordpress.
> As I understand it, ikiwiki is the current plan because:-
> 1. all currently-interested webmasters seem comfortable with
> ikiwiki+git and some have previous experience with it;

Excellent reason.

> 2. it should allow easier contributions from people without prior
> approval - able to edit stuff without ever touching an spi machine;

Plone should make that just as easy. Why do people find this painful

> 3. both web-based and text-editor-based contributions are possible;

Plone does that as well.

> 4. ikiwiki creates static pages which are served up by a normal httpd,
> so the core website should break less often;

I almost never see Plone sites break, but a static httpd is bound to be
more reliably or at least scale better without much effort.

> 5. we failed to add a new user to plone, then corrupted the database
> by trying to download a copy of the page content from its webdav, then
> discovered that a special "copy-the-plone-db-in-a-consistent-state"
> command should have been run at backup time.  It's mainly by the
> persistence of Ganneff and kind help from some (unknown to me) Plone
> experts that most of the current site was recovered.

Wow. I wonder how you managed to do that! That sounds like extremely
unlikely breakage.


Wichert Akkerman <>    It is simple to make things.                   It is hard to make things simple.
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