Ian Jackson <ijack...@chiark.greenend.org.uk> wrote: [...]
> What if there are two forthcoming meetings in quick succession ?

I think the reports and so on would be going to one meeting or the
other, so I guess a "this is for YYYY-MM-DD" tag would solve it.

> My implementation language of choice would be Perl (or perhaps Python)
> but I'm happy to use something else if that would make
> co-maintainership with th4e Secretary and others, or interoperability
> with the rest of the website, easier.

I'd maintain such a Perl package.

> Do we already have an https server and user management system that I
> can piggyback on for the `board members' part ?
> If this meets people's rough approval I can write a set of quick hack
> code and set some test instance up on my own colo.

Just in case anyone's interested (and I think I might have emailed
this to some SPI list in the past), here's my quick hack for periodic
reports to cooperative members.  No web interface, but people can
email in and the hosting user can save to an IMAP folder, or write bits
into their .project file. There's a bit of cruft in there to check GPG
signatures and encrypt the report, which I guess is unnecessary here.



# Compile any emails into .project
for i in $HOME/Maildir/.reports/{new,cur}/* ; do
  [ -e "$i" ] \
  && ( sed -n -e '/^From: /{;s///;s/$/ wrote:/;p;q;}' "$i" ; \
       ( gpg -q <"$i" 2>&1 || sed -e '1,/^$/d' "$i" ) | sed -e 's/^/> /' ;
       echo ) >> $HOME/.project \
  && rm "$i"

# Send the signed email
if [ -s $HOME/.project ] ; then
  echo Please send GPG-signed news items to repo...@$domain >> $HOME/.project
  ( echo "This report was sent automatically by a cron:"
    gpg -sear members <$HOME/.project ) \
  | mail -s "$DOMAIN summary of $(date -I)" -a "From: $u...@$domain" \
    memb...@$domain \
  && mv $HOME/.project $HOME/reports/$(date -I).txt

MJ Ray (slef)
Webmaster for hire, statistician and online shop builder for a small
worker cooperative http://www.ttllp.co.uk/ http://mjr.towers.org.uk/
(Notice http://mjr.towers.org.uk/email.html) tel:+44-844-4437-237
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