On Tue, 27 Jan 2004, Robert Menschel wrote:

> I submit all my rules through the online Bugzilla system, following the
> documentation at http://wiki.spamassassin.org/w/ContributingNewRules

Well, thank you yet again, for your help.  I have (finally?) submitted
this proposed rule as bug #2982.

I know that this isn't your doing, but I do find that working from a web
interface is rather inconvenient (my web browser is not nearly the text
editor that my text editor is) and in some ways awkward.  The Bugzilla
system asked me to re-authenticate at every step (that may be due to
restrictive cookie settings), and simply didn't represent (to me, at
least) a very effective interface.

I might just be old (in Internet years, of course), but I much prefer
to just submit something of this sort via an email message, which I can
retain a copy of (I did enter my email address in the Cc: field of the
bugzilla submission form, so I expect I'll have a copy for tracking), and
refer to.  My mail software permits me to use my favorite text editor,
making text entry much easier than a web browser can frankly ever hope
for ...

Alright, I'll quit ranting.  The SpamAssassin folks, and all those who
contribute new rules are doing good work, and I shouldn't rant.  Then
again, I tried to submit my rule to the exit0.us site yesterday, but
couldn't figure out how to get the submission form there at all.  This
just shouldn't be all that difficult.  :-(

Thanks again, Robert, for all your help.  I'll be sure to post any
additional rules I come up with that have some chance of being effective

Sylvain Robitaille                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Systems analyst / Postmaster                      Concordia University
Instructional & Information Technology        Montreal, Quebec, Canada

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