Hello Sylvain,

Thursday, January 22, 2004, 7:39:22 AM, you wrote:

RM>> Results against my corpus:
RM>> SYL_BAD_XOIP -- 73662s/14971h of 91714 corpus (74113s/17601h) 01/21/04

SR> Yes, that's pretty consistent with what I realized it was doing ...  :-(

SR> I can't even begin to thank you enough for having taken the time to test
SR> that ...

RM>> I suspect the problem is that since you're saying X-Originating-IP must
RM>> NOT be the regex, emails with no X-Originating-IP are also matching.

SR> That seems plausible ...

RM>> Add a test for UNSET (no such tag), and you should be able to improve
RM>> these results.

SR> Let me see if I understand your suggestion correctly  (Sorry about the
SR> long line) ...

SR> header   SYL_BAD_XOIP X-Originating-IP !~
SR>          /\[?(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}\]?/ [if-unset:]
SR> describe SYL_BAD_XOIP Improperly formatted X-Originating-IP header
SR> score    SYL_BAD_XOIP 4.0  # frankly, this alone should be grounds
SR>                            # for rejection ...

header   SYL_BAD_XOIPa X-Originating-IP !~ /\[?(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}\]?/ [if-unset:]
describe SYL_BAD_XOIPa Improperly formatted X-Originating-IP header
score    SYL_BAD_XOIPa 4.0  # frankly, this alone should be grounds
                           # for rejection ...

Yes, that one works for me:

SYL_BAD_XOIPa -- 3881s/0h of 91714 corpus (74113s/17601h) 01/22/04

With results like this, 5% of the spam in my corpus and no ham, this is a
rule that should be added to the next distribution set (or at least a
variation thereof).  Would you have any objection to submitting for
consideration, and sending in an Apache Contributor License Agreement so
the SA developers can use this rule?


Bob Menschel

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