On Monday 19 January 2004 19:56, Matt Yackley wrote:

> Don,
> The default tests and scores can be found in /usr/share/spamassassin
> Search Google or the archives for a *lot* of talk about the HABEAS_SWE
> test and the recent problems.  People like Theo use the Habeas mark in
> their messages, so there are people out there using it.
> You can disable this test by adding the following line into your local.cf
> or ~.spamassassin/user_prefs file:
> score HABEAS_SWE 0
> or take a more moderate road and simply reduce the score:
> score HABEAS_SWE -1.0
> http://search.gmane.org/search.php?query=habeas&email=&group=spamassassin&s
> -matt

I know what habeas is *SUPPOSED* to do, but right now it really isn't working. 
The number of spam messages I'm getting each day with the habeas headers is 
growing, not shrinking. Granted they're all pharmacy related now, but how 
long do you think it will be before other spammers realize they can bypass 
the filters by this simple trick.

Combine that with the fact that the number of legitimate messages that I've 
seen with the habeas headers is miniscule to begin with, I see no reason to 
give it any negative score. A small positive score (0.1, 0.2) would actually 
be warranted as it is currently a spam magnet. It's no more a punishment for 
using it than giving a positive score to a message that asks "Do you know a 
way to stop spam with the word v.|agra"

Personally, I've set its scoring to zero, but I do understand those that are 
giving it a positive score. You'd have to agree that a message with the 
headers is more likely spam than not ... right now.

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