> Hi,
>       There is a feature called "habeas" that gives spam a negative weight.
> It is apparently a mark that certifies that e-mail is not spam.  It does
> not
> work and all the spam I am getting now is because of that mark.  I can't
> imagine I would be missing anything if I just disabled this.   Would I be?
> It is not in the rules in /etc/mail/spamassassin, is it hard coded into
> SA?
> -Don
> --
> Don Steiny - Central Coast Angel Network - www.ccangels.net
>  Institute for Social Network Analysis of the Economy - www.isnae.org
>   125 Mission St #3 - Santa Cruz, CA 95060 - 831.471.1671 - fax:
> 831.471.1670

The default tests and scores can be found in /usr/share/spamassassin

Search Google or the archives for a *lot* of talk about the HABEAS_SWE
test and the recent problems.  People like Theo use the Habeas mark in
their messages, so there are people out there using it.

You can disable this test by adding the following line into your local.cf
or ~.spamassassin/user_prefs file:
score HABEAS_SWE 0
or take a more moderate road and simply reduce the score:
score HABEAS_SWE -1.0



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