He's gone, folks. He had no interest in getting real assistance, and he never came back. The list has been most helpful in pointing out that his own subscribers use SA voluntarily, train it themselves, and failed to whitelist this web-app travesty of an "email" message. (I particularly like seeing the "* 0.5 -- BODY: Possible porn - Hot, Nasty, Wild, Young" rating on a children's autism mailing list...) We can all go back to our jobs, shell scripting kick-ban cron jobs on our Quake servers for fun and profit. Have a nice day.


schafer wrote:
To Spamassassin:

My publication is double-opted in by 15,000 families with children with
autism.  We are routinely victimized by incompetent software like
spamassassin because of false positives.  This is just as intolerable as
spam.  It is worse than spam because it victimizes the innocent in the name
of stopping spam.  (And it may even be a violation of the Americans With
Disabilities Act which prohibits discrimination against the disabled) It is
rank hypocricy.
False positives are intolerable and commercial products that allow them
should be outlawed as much as spam should be.

I do not know if this is the right place to complain as I could not find an
email address that offers feedback to the company.  This arrogance stinks,
too.  As if software developers don't need public feedback about their junky

This piece of junk software rates my publication 99%-100% likely to be spam.

"* 3.0 -- BODY: Bayesian classifier says spam probability is 99 to 100%"

Ha! What crap. The offending email is also parked at this website page:


Lenny Schafer
Schafer Autism Report


---- Start SpamAssassin results
7.10 points, 5.5 required;
* -0.1 -- Message-Id indicates the message was sent from MS Exchange
* 0.9 -- BODY: No such thing as a free lunch (3)
* 0.5 -- BODY: No Fees
* 0.5 -- BODY: Possible porn - Hot, Nasty, Wild, Young
* 0.1 -- BODY: HTML link text says "click here"
* 0.1 -- BODY: HTML font color is red
* 0.2 -- BODY: FONT Size +2 and up or 3 and up
* 0.1 -- BODY: HTML font color not within safe 6x6x6 palette
* 1.5 -- BODY: Message is 20% to 30% HTML
* 0.1 -- BODY: HTML has "tbody" tag
* 0.2 -- BODY: JavaScript code
* 0.1 -- BODY: HTML font color is blue
* 3.0 -- BODY: Bayesian classifier says spam probability is 99 to 100%
[score: 0.9988]
* 0.2 -- BODY: HTML contains unsafe auto-executing code
* 2.9 -- BODY: HTML has very strong "shouting" markup
* 0.4 -- URI: Uses %-escapes inside a URL's hostname
* 0.7 -- URI: Includes a link to a likely spammer email address
* 0.0 -- Asks you to click below
* -4.3 -- AWL: Auto-whitelist adjustment
---- End of SpamAssassin results

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