On Dec 4, 2003 at 17:14, Damian Gerow wrote:

>Yes, a spammer would need high availability.  But so does Microsoft, Apple,
>CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation), etc.  Again, just because an image
>is hosted by Akamai doesn't even mean that Akamai is aware of this -- it
>just means that someone who may or may not be paying Akamia either found an
>image hosted by them, or put an image up, and is referencing it in their

On the other hand, it's just like rejecting mail from all dynamic IPs,
spammy IP blocks, and so on. (I'm against that. A single IP should be
listed if it actually is a spam source, but not wholesale dynamic

>It's tough, but your decision is simple: Zero False Positives means that
>these sites can't be listed.

I agree.

Satya. <URL:http://www.thesatya.com/>
Here be dragons.

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