At 02:55 PM 11/4/2003, Steve Heggood wrote:
Could someone recommend a set of blaclists used in that are producing good results?

Might I suggest looking at the STATISTICS-set1.txt that comes with SA? This will give you the results of testing against 343k spam messages and 151k nonspam messages and the hit-rate percentages of each.

You're not going to find a more comprehensive, relatively objective set of test results than that.

just use: grep RCVD_IN_ STATISTICS-set1.txt

As a quick example: OVERALL% SPAM% HAM% S/O RANK SCORE NAME 39.058 56.1503 0.2042 0.996 0.98 1.10 RCVD_IN_DSBL

This means that DSBL match 39% of all email in the test, 56.15% of the spam, and 0.2042% of the nonspam.

By comparison NJABL didn't do nearly as well, it got about the same amount of spam, but over 10x more nonspam.

41.161 57.6715 3.6322 0.941 0.84 0.10 RCVD_IN_NJABL

OPM has impressively low nonspam hit rate, but it's spam hit rate isn't quite as high as some others (less than half the spam hit rate of DSBL, but 1/50th the nonspam hit rate):
15.868 22.8473 0.0040 1.000 0.95 4.30 RCVD_IN_OPM

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