On 23 Oct 2003, AltGrendel wrote:
> > I've seen no evidence of this.  The only thing I've seen for certain is
> > that the older an E-mail address is (once it has gotten on at least one
> > spammer's list), the more spam it gets.  Regardless of whether it's bounced
> > or not.  Spammers are still selling each other E-mail addresses I haven't
> > used in 4 years.
> I agree with that. I see addresses at my client that haven't existed in
> 5+ years.

Not exactly an SA question, but my system has plenty of these addresses
(we're an ISP), and I'd LOVE to honeypot these addresses, and:
    1) Dynamically reconfigure my postfix to blacklist a sending IP
address as soon as mail is sent to a honeypot, and,
    2) Contribute to (and subscibre to) a global honeypot system that
would maintain a blackhole list. (Does Razor do this?)

Anyone know of any easy-to-use software, particularly that could do the
first task - make changes to 'access' lists in postfix, so that spammers
will get theire connections blocked (saving bandwdith)?

- Charles

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