At 15:37 10/20/2003 -0400, Chris Santerre wrote:
What is the next step?

We have all posted stats that prove that over 50% of email is spam. Now that
we can tag or block (to user), it doesn't stop the traffic. I still have 50%
traffic on the server as useless. What do we do?

Get rid of SMTP. Create an entirely new protocol on an entirely new port, and have it *trusted* every step of the way. Even if we had to licence its use [gawd, I'd hate that!] with abuse of this new protocol clearly spelled out - if it's not trusted, it doesn't connect. If a spammer does get ahold of an IP address to the network, shut it down immediately, then find out who gave it out and hold them and/or their ISP responsible.

Lets say I can track the spammer to the source. What avenue do we have to
stop them?

Depends on where they are. If they're in Nigeria, Korea, China, ad nauseum, nothing. Contact your legislators, and maybe they can draft a bill that brings sanctions against these countries if they do nothing... don't hold your breath, tho!

If they're in the US, you may have more pull... IANAL, tho; just a lowly geek... ;-)

 Should I work with local legislation next? Don't flame me on this
question, but should ISPs be held more accountable? Like Comcast? (Should be
called spamcast!)

As the responsible owner of an ISP, I'd say *yes* -- *if* we had a more secure protocol -- it's tough to hold an ISP responsible with SMTP, when it's so easy to play silly buggers with other people...

Just my $0.000000002, as that's all it'z worth...
Roger "Merch" Merchberger

Roger "Merch" Merchberger   | "Profile, don't speculate."
sysadmin, Iceberg Computers |     Daniel J. Bernstein
[EMAIL PROTECTED]          |

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