>>>>> "Dave" == Dave Kliczbor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
    Dave> Before you subscribe to the list, you should add some lines to your
    Dave> spamassassin config:
    Dave> bayes_ignore_header X-Spam-Flag
    Dave> bayes_ignore_header X-purgate
    Dave> bayes_ignore_header X-purgate-ID
    Dave> bayes_ignore_header X-purgate-Ad
    Dave> bayes_ignore-header X-GMX-Antispam
    Dave> bayes-ignore-header X-Resent-For
    Dave> bayes-ignore-header X-Resent-By
    Dave> bayes-ignore-header X-Resent-To
    Dave> bayes-ignore-header Sender
    Dave> bayes-ignore-header Precedence
    Dave> bayes-ignore-header X-Antispam
    Dave> bayes-ignore-header X-Spamcount
    Dave> bayes-ignore-header X-Spamsensitivity

I'm subscribed to some mailing lists that, for whatever reason, carry
a lot of spam. Before the Bayes went into spamassassin, it caught most
of this. Ever since, more's getting through, all with a BAYES_00
score. I'm guessing it recognizing certain headers from the list. Is
there any way, besides trial and error, to deterimine which ones it is
and make Bayes ignore them, or is there some better approach.to get
the old version.
Tony Lill,                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
President, A. J. Lill Consultants        fax/data (519) 650 3571
539 Grand Valley Dr., Cambridge, Ont. N3H 2S2     (519) 241 2461
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