Yes, that's dangerous - but only if the sa-learn settings is not system wide. Is it 
system wide? If so, it's dangerous, otherwise not.
The student would have it's own setting in the home directory and if he doesn't get 
the professor's mail, professor will look into the log and will say, that he sent the 
message ...

On Sat, 20 Sep 2003, Chr. von Stuckrad wrote:

> On Thu, Sep 18, 2003 at 05:47:36PM -0700, Robert Menschel wrote:
> ...
> > something they want to teach SA about, they simply move or copy the email
> > to that webmail folder.  I then have a cron job which scans these folders
> > once an hour, and feeds any non-empty folders into sa-learn.
> Isnt't this a bit dangerous? Or do you only have
> 'really sensible' users :-)
> I've 'heared' Students speaking of putting the Prof's Mail
> into the(ir) spamfolder, so if the central system learns THAT
> it might be no good idea :-)
> Stucki  (thinking of creating systemwide spam/ham-folders...)
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