
I have spamassassin installed on my
debian woody e-mail server, out of the box it works generally ok, except
for a few false alerts, which is why this mail comes in, I wish to allow
each use to setup their own user_prefs file, I have sucsessfully
implimented this, but I'm having trouble understanding and defining a
test score reigon.

>From what I have read any test marked with a 0 will disable or ignore
that test, but what I'm not sure of is the score range you can give

for example, take the following:

                            (local, net, with bayes, with bayes+net)
MSN_GROUPS                   0.0
Q_FOR_SELLER                 -0.499 -0.278 -0.399 -0.399

For example in the above, if it finds anything in the body that indicats
it came from the MSN Communities, it gives it a score of 0.0 (which if I
am correct doesn't add anything to the total spam test score), whereas
on the test marked: Q_FOR_SELLER, if the Subject is an eBay question,
then depending upon the type of scoring system you use it would give it
a score of any the above listed.

This is the problem, what is the minimum setting you can use? what is
the maximum and how do they increment?

as some are makred as  -0.443, -0.536, then some are marked as 4.300, 0.218

Whilst I understand the total spam score is usually set to 4.0 (this is
different than this total score, basically from what I understand, if
any of these tests add up to 4.0, then they are tagged as spam.

Sorry if I do not make myself clear, hopefully I've come across as asking
the correct quuestion.


Mark C

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to steal ideas from many is research.

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