At 8/22/03 11:06 AM , Kris Deugau wrote:

I've seen legit mail on the default SA rules score 12-15.

Personally, I've never seen a legitimate mail score over about 4.5, and those were from a couple of folks I know who overuse HTML in their emails. The vast bulk of my ham scores below -5.0. I auto-delete anything that scores above 6.0. But this only on *my own account*, and it's by my own choice. I'd certainly never impose that on anyone who hadn't asked for it.

I give my users the option of auto-deleting things -- if *they want*, and they get to choose whatever score they like as their auto-deletion threshold.

                                                --Kai MacTane
"Friends of science and sensuality,
 They seek the silence and the horror of the shadows..."
                                                --Charles Baudelaire,

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