ah, great info, much thanks

the goal would be to be able to "call" custom SA rules per domain

abc.com --> /etc/mail/spamassassin/abc.local.cf

xyz.com --> /etc/mail/spamassassin/xyz.local.cf

and such

On Fri, 2003-08-08 at 09:27, Matt Kettler wrote:
At 01:01 PM 8/8/03 +0000, william f guyton jr wrote:
>Is their a configuration that allows SA to use unique local.cf for
>each domain passing thru a SA gateway?

This is really a function of the tool that calls SA, and not SA itself.  So 
you'd have to specify which tool you're using for that.

As an off-the-cuff example, it might be possible in procmail using the -c 
parameter to spamc.. It might be a bit hackish, but I think you might be 
able to do it (you might wind up needing to duplicate the entire ruleset to 
pull it off.)

Also be aware that local.cf isn't just one file.. Last I checked SA reads 
and uses all the .cf files in /etc/mail/spamassassin. So you'd really be 
specifying alternate directories, not just a single file. 
william f guyton jr
senior network engineer

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