> -----Original Message-----
> From: Vicki Brown

> By the way, do NOT implement the the solution as provided in 
> the FAQ without being very specific with machine names or exact IP
> addresses.  The spammer in my situation is spoofing the 192.168 net!

Thanks - good point.  I should have been more specific.  As Jim's post
pointed out, AWL would trigger if it was spoofing not only the From, but
also the first two octects of the IP address.

> >If you want to turn AWL off, remove the -a option from 
> >spamassassin init script or however you call it.  Reference:
> >http://spamassassin.taint.org/faq/index.cgi?req=show&file=faq
> >01.013.htp

I apologize for that.  I meant to include the following URL:

> This is what AWL is supposed to be doing; if AWL is not doing 
> this properly, a workaround will only solve MY problem. I am trying
> to solve THE problem, not just MY problem.

Agreed.  I am not trying to argue.  I know this is the SA list to discuss SA
problems.  Many of us also know that SA is a tool to mitigate spam.  To that
end, there is not one tool that accomplishes the task 100% of the time.  If
one would consider turning off AWL for one deficiency then WE should
consider using a workaround if needed until the problem is properly

It does appear that AWL needs more than two octects.  And if the SMTP server
is in a more complex network, the IP address itself may be questionable.
One could group outbound servers on one network and inbound servers on a
different network.  Maybe the option could utilize a list of hostnames in
fqdn format.

Vicki (and Christopher), was the entire IP address forged or just the first
two octects?


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