Satya wrote:
| >You are already paying a ISP, so, use its services.
| >The ISP should relay your emails for you and queue incoming mail.
| Personally, I prefer my ISP to give me an IP connection. A fast
| one, static address highly preferred. That's all.
| >Of course not all ISPs offer good services and this is the case, change
| >ISP.
| This is not always possible.

This could be the core of the spam problem.

Most ISP's including ourselves have a TOS agreements that specifically
prohibit the use of any server activity by clients when connecting to the

If an individual thinks all they need is a fast connection to the internet
to send mass email, we could be dancing the big dance against spam

If a spammer wants to use a 56K dialup to spam, well more power to
it. but eventually the account will be deactivated, for abuse, but the 
charges may continue, until the spammer formally calls to cancel the 

If a spammer is going to spend the money for a fast connection, they
are an easy target.

I find the biggest problems arise from cable access and dsl connections
(from our experience). Unfortunately, the companies that provide those
services do not want to lose the high paying customers and look the other

Hence, block the daylights out of them.

For spammers to spend $1000 or more a month to get their IP blocked
is not profitable for them, (maybe it is for some), but the average it
that just found out there is some new software that will potentially make
them money, is to hard for them to resist. (kid left in the candy shop).

The major problem is free lance mailers. The only way these happen
seems to be cheap access, with no policing.

When we get spam, (or more specifically, when I get spam) on a
non-published server, the IP is toast. The spammer doesn't know
the server is non-published.

We have been able to block spam with the several processes we
have in place to the point, it appears to me, very little mail being 

We use SA (currently at 2.55) in addition to other mechanisms that
allow us *personal control*, which is not published. 

We have found, there is no single product that will effectively stop
the spam from even getting to our mailers.

The hardest part is working the reverse firewall model. (the firewall
model is reject all only let through specific access). The reverse
model is let everything in, but drop some stuff.

SA is a very good content filter, and we use it every day.

spam on our servers has dropped considerably to the point it
really looks like no mail is being sent.

Giving the keys to anybody who wants to put up a mailer is a bad

That is a form of anarchy that is being less acceptable in the email
world of today.

Once we can lock down the source of the renegade mailers, then we
can find them and do with what we want (in a legal sense of course).

( I was gonna give a Soprano's rendition, but I won't)

Point is, giving anybody with a fast internet connection a mailer is
not a great idea. (considering the number of reverse dns errors out

my buck 'n a half

Best Regards (and no offense intended)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Satya" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Spamassassin-Talk (E-mail)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2003 5:22 PM
Subject: Re: [SAtalk] (OT) DSL/DIALUP manual BL Catch 22

| On Jul 15, 2003 at 14:48, Raul Dias wrote:
| >You are already paying a ISP, so, use its services.
| >The ISP should relay your emails for you and queue incoming mail.
| Personally, I prefer my ISP to give me an IP connection. A fast
| one, static address highly preferred. That's all.
| >Of course not all ISPs offer good services and this is the case, change
| >ISP.
| This is not always possible.
| >IMO, if every legitime mail came thru an ISP smtp, fighting spam would
| >be much more easy.
| Tracking it would certainly be. That's my problem with all the spam
| legislation out there. If someone violates a rule, for example not
| putting "ADV:" in the subject, and cannot be traced easily (how do you
| present Received headers and suchlike as evidence in court?), how do
| you prosecute?
| -- 
| Satya. <URL:>
| But I thought you did the backups!
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