At 12:47 15/08/03 -0700, Abigail Marshall wrote:
GD> I'm trying to block all the annoying SoBig viruses - so I have the
GD> following:

GD> body SO_BIG_VIRUS /Please see the attached zip file for details\./
GD> score SO_BIG_VIRUS 6.0
GD> header SO_BIG_ATTACHMENT ALL =~ /your_details\.zip/

The title is actually in the body, not the header. (Possibly
you need the "rawbody" directive. I'm not sure) For SA, your
first recipe is enough to score any email for Sobig.E.

You should know that Sobig.E. is programmed to stop working
on July 14th, and that the reason the file name is so
consistent is that there is a bug in the program. So
anything you write now won't be needed in a week.

You're forgetting of course, all the computers out there in Internet Land that have their clocks set wrong ;-)

Or the fact that some (other) viruses set your clock back or ahead...or the fact that date checking routines on some viruses are very unreliable.

Remember what happened with (I think it was) Cod red which was supposed to stop infecting on a certain date of the month, but because there was a high enough percentage of PC's with their date set wrong, they kept the infection going until the month rolled over and it kicked off again :)

doesn't mean you won't have to worry about it. Whoever wrote
Sobig.E. had a reason for the termination date, very likely
because a newer version will be launched on July 15th. But
of course the rule you write now won't work then, because at
the very least the next version will have a change in text
and file name.

I think it is a mistake to try to identify viruses with


 both because it is inefficient and because
viruses often have very large binary attachments which can
cause SA to crash with an out of memory error, and let the

Huh ? Never had that happen to me. I use the default max scanning size of 256KB with spamc/spamd and I've never had a problem...


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