If your running Sendmail, you can do everything you want via a milter. I
would recommend using MIMEDefang (MD). You would have to recompile
sendmail with milter support in order to have MD scan all mail moving
"through" your sendmail box (this includes relays). To have all mail
relayed to exchange without adding local account on the sendmail box,
use the sendmail LUSER_RELAY definition. With that, mail directed to an
unknown local user will be relayed to the exchange box. For directions
on setting LUSER_RELAY see
http://www.polbox.com/a/anfi/sendmail/LUSER_RELAY-Plus.html - there are
some tricky changes that have to be done in your .cf file.

For mimedefang info, see www.mimedefang.org and

The how-to is very good and covers "Everything". The MIMEDefang filter
configuration is pure perl, so you can do pretty much whatever you want
- delete, tag headers, etc.,.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, July 07, 2003 10:13 PM
Subject: [SAtalk] How to do? Linux/Spam Assasin running as a gateway
spam filter f or another mail server.

Hi All,
I've got spam assassin working like a dream on our small sendmail box.
works like a bought one.    what i want to do is setup a gateway
for an Exchange Server (everyone shudders, i know).

like so:

Internet  ->  Linux Sendmail with SpamAssasin ->  Exchange Server  

has anybody attempted such a thing?  i've been searching google for
quite a
while and not found any howtos...    on the sendmail box i'm attempting:

1.  that i don't need to create accounts for everyone on the exchange
2.  that it sholdn't deliver to the linux box at all, but simply scan
3.  no mail will be deleted, but will simply have the spam score in the
message header and the Spam in the subject line.  then the users of the
exchange server will be able to filter based on Spam Score or the
line or whatever.  
4.  I don't need to scan outgoing mail but i guess that wouldn't hurt as

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