From: Dan Jones [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 08 July 2003 16:01
Subject: RE: [SAtalk] How to do? Linux/Spam Assasin running as a gateway spam filter f or another mail server.
I currently use a mailgateway running spamassassin and postfix. It works beautifully for what we need.
I have it setup to forward domain mail for our exchange server. If I am not mistaken all you need to do is setup sendmail to forward mail for you domain to you exchange server with out having to setup up aliases or users on the linux box. I can tell you how to set it up with postfix but I believe there are a few minor differences in the mail forwarding for sendmail so I doubt it will help much. The one drawback is that you still receive mail for nonexistent users on your exchange box.In theory you can tell postfix to query the Active Directory to verify users... didn't work when I tried it (even though the same query worked with ldapsearch) but I'm sure it's possible.