>> OK, I'm curious.  How do you suggest this can be done using 
>> MailMan 2.0.9? as far as I can see, there's no way to filter 
>> out attachments. 
TH> Main menu, select 'content filtering',

TH> This mailman 2.1.(something) though.. Not sure if it's the same in 2.0.9.

Tony, that menu is not available in the versions of MailMan
before 2.1, but it IS one more reason that Sourceforge ought
to upgrade to 2.1x for its many mailing lists.

(I'd upgrade myself but there are configuration issues
unique to my system that make the upgrade difficult - so I
have to keep nagging the techs at my ISP -- but
surely the people at SourceForge ought to be able to figure
out how to do it).


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