On Wed, Jul 02, 2003 at 11:03:00PM +0300, Robert A Nesius wrote:

> Do you know why spamd doesn't have it's own metric-tracking
> code built in?  It seems like such an obvious thing to have
> spamd do on it's own so you could just ask it for reports.

Beats me... spamd logs to syslog with all the necissary info
so that's the key, I guess. Just gather the data from the logs
and *bang*. Maybe the devel-team doesn't want SA to cover
that area but just focus on whacking spam.

I'm happy someone else made spamstats. However now that I've
been switching from spamd/spamc to MIMEDefang + SA in sendmail
environments I noticed there doesn't seem to be anything similar
to spamstats so I had to hack something together on my own
with perl to get stats. Ugly...

There's graphdefang but I like the info spamstats gives.

> Oh... spamd logging.  Currently mine is not logging.  Does
> logging through 'syslog' generate the appropriate log?  I didn't
> see much in the way of documentation on this.

Yea, you should log through syslog. With more or less defaults
the spamd logs should end up in maillog or where ever mail.info
things go. And spamstats will require this as well, no stats
without logs.

The logging "should just work". Only "gotcha" I've noticed is
in Solaris when Sys::Syslog can't talk to /dev/log directly and
wants to use udp -- you need to have syslog running without -t
flag. Depends on perl version and the broken ones can be
patched to talk to /dev/log, though. At least 5.8.0 seems to
be affected.

But in Linux I don't know, I actually haven't run spamd in
Linux but call SpamAssassin from MIMEDefang and it uses
Unix::Syslog which (afair) wraps around the OS' syslog.h to
log, and works nicely.

(Mr.) Hannu Liljemark  |  Appelsiini Finland Oy  |  http://appelsiini.com

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