On 02 July 2003 14:30, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Wed, Jul 02, 2003 at 09:21:21AM -0400, Matt Kettler wrote:
>> I've always considered the "no rule names report format" a "duh"
>> feature of SA, so I for one am glad for the change.
>   I get your point of view, but why didn't you put
>   the rule name at the end of former line in parenthesis.
>   And everyone would be satisfied :-))

I've done just that...  In PerMsgStatus.pm I've changed lines 2214-2216

  $self->{test_logs} .= sprintf ("%-18s %-14s%s%s\n%s",
                                 $rule,"($score points)",
                                 $area, $desc, $self->{test_log_msgs});


  $self->{test_logs} .= sprintf ("* % 2.1f -- %s%s [%s]\n%s",
                                 $score, $area, $desc,
                                 $rule, $self->{test_log_msgs});

Which results in a report like this:

  Content analysis details:   (7.90 points, 5 required)
  *  0.1 -- BODY: Image tag with an ID code to identify you [HTML_WEB_BUGS]
  *  0.1 -- BODY: HTML font color is red [HTML_FONT_COLOR_RED]
  *  0.1 -- BODY: Message is 50% to 60% HTML [HTML_50_60]
  *  2.3 -- BODY: Bayesian classifier says spam probability is 70 to 80%
  [score: 0.7546]
  *  0.2 -- BODY: FONT Size +2 and up or 3 and up [HTML_FONT_BIG]
  *  0.6 -- BODY: HTML has images with 400-600 bytes of words
  *  0.4 -- URI: Uses %-escapes inside a URL's hostname [HTTP_ESCAPED_HOST]
  *  1.9 -- URI: Completely unnecessary %-escapes inside a URL
  *  2.2 -- Forged mail pretending to be from MS Outlook

One thing I did notice while poking around is that the old report format
still seems to exist in the "terse report format"...
    if ($self->{conf}->{use_terse_report}) {
        $self->{test_logs} .= sprintf ("* % 2.1f -- %s%s\n%s",
                                       $score, $area, $desc,
    } else {


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