Let me revive an old theme:

On Wed, Jul 02, 2003 at 11:03:31AM -0400, Theo Van Dinter wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 02, 2003 at 05:29:46PM +0400, Andrew A. Vasilyev wrote:
> >   I get your point of view, but why didn't you put
> >   the rule name at the end of former line in parenthesis.
> >   And everyone would be satisfied :-))
> There's already a bugzilla ticket open about this.
> I think just putting the score at the front would be sufficient.

  And now we have:

X-Spam-Report: 12.6 points, 5.0 required;
        *  2.1 FIND_ANYTHING          BODY: Find out anything
        *  0.1 HTML_FONTCOLOR_UNKNOWN BODY: HTML font color is unknown to us
        *  0.1 HTML_LINK_CLICK_HERE   BODY: HTML link text says "click here"
        *  1.1 HTML_WEB_BUGS          BODY: Image tag intended to identify you
        *  0.0 HTML_MESSAGE           BODY: HTML included in message
        *  0.6 HTML_IMAGE_ONLY_10     BODY: HTML: images with 800-1000 bytes of words
        *  3.0 BAYES_99               BODY: Bayesian spam probability is 99 to 100%
        *                             [score: 0.9905]
        *  0.4 HTML_70_80             BODY: Message is 70% to 80% HTML
        *  0.4 HTML_TITLE_EMPTY       BODY: HTML title contains no text
        *  1.1 REMOVE_PAGE            URI: URL of page called "remove"
        *  0.2 RCVD_IN_OSIRU          RBL: OSIRU: Sent via relay in 
        *                             [ listed in relays.osirusoft.com]
        *  0.4 RCVD_IN_SBL            RBL: Received via a relay in Spamhaus Block List
        *  0.0 RCVD_IN_OSIRU_SPAM_SRC RBL: OSIRU: sender is Confirmed Spam Source
        *                             [ listed in relays.osirusoft.com]
        *  0.1 CLICK_BELOW            Asks you to click below
        *  3.0 FORGED_MUA_OUTLOOK     Forged mail pretending to be from MS Outlook

   So, as you can see, 10 of 19 lines (>50%) are longer than 80 symbols,
   and if one hit the rule with a very long name the situation will be
   even more strange (please note a lot of white spaces in the middle of
   the lines with short rule names). And what are the asterisks in the
   second line of multiline comments for?

   Once again: the reason for putting rule names into Report header
   was about "Sometimes we want to know the name of hitted rule",
   not "The name of the rule is the most important information!".

   So, IMHO, the order should be: Score, Description, Name.
   And no asterisk in the second line.

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