On Mon, Jun 30, 2003 at 04:05:50PM -0400, Wendell Smith wrote:
> The domains listed in "/usr/share/spamassassin/60_whitelist.cf", are
> they included in the default whitelist or do I need to add these to my

yes.  that is the default whitelist. ;)

> Are these statistics that relate to the directives
> "auto_learn_threshold_nonspam" and "auto_learn_threshold_spam"?

They are used to set the defaults for those values, but they also show
you what is likely to happen by changing the required_hits option.

> And can someone explain the role the files found in
> "/usr/share/spamassassin" play with respect to SA's functionality?

Sure, they're the rules that SA uses to determine spam vs ham.

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