I'd like to appeal to the SA collective to change the name of the
PENIS_ENLARGE tests to something a little more innocuous. Apparently
some people find it offensive to see it in their email. I've received
the odd complaint about the test name--usually when it shows up in a
message that isn't about body part enhancement. I've been ignoring them,
but apparently there is a larger client rumbling going on and now it's
gotten to HR who are receiving complaints that it's sexual harrasement.
All of which is ridiculous, so please don't go there. But I still have
to deal with it. I asked for this once before and was told to zero out
the test and put a replacement in my local.cf. I don't want to do that
because then I lose the collective wisdom of this group. I've had some
other thoughts on how to fix it, but a fork in the eye is against
company policy. So I've taken to doing a search and replace changing it
to BIGGER_BITS. It will be a minor pain to do that every time I upgrade,
but it's doable. It doesn't seem like it should be a big deal to make
that change globally, though. Is it? Thanks for your consideration.
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