Technically speaking you could go after the spammer/spamvertized site for
identity theft and defamation of character. In fact I wouldn't hesitate, you
have nothing to loose.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Abigail Marshall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, June 23, 2003 7:34 PM
Subject: Re: [SAtalk] Ideas on dealing with Joe Job?

> HH> Not SA, but you people are my spam experts...
> HH> I'm getting a BUNCH of bounces where someone has used a return address
> HH> that returns to me. This address is commonly used by spammers (it's an
> HH> invalid address here, but I get all the mail with invalid usernames).
> HH> mail is promoting . With all the bounces, I'd hate to
> HH> think how many pieces of this spam are actually getting through.
> HH> I have not yet received angry mail from a recipient.
> HH> So, what can I do about this spam technique? Anything?
> Probably nothing - I've got the same problem running a
> website with a well-known domain name. Like you, I find it
> is rare to get complaints -- I think this is because the
> spammers aren't fooling many people - either the recipients
> deleting unwanted email without paying attention to where it
> came from, or else the users are sophisticated enough to
> realize that the domain name is being spoofed.
> It is not a true "Joe Job" because it won't get you
> blacklisted or in serious trouble unless headers are also
> being spoofed or fraudulently coded to make it look like
> your server is actually the source of the email.
> Like you, I get email to wildcard users on my domain, but
> when I have a specific nonexistent username that is being
> abused in any way, I set that up as a "REJECT" in my SMTP
> access database, so if anyone actually tries to reply to
> that email, they'd immediately get a "no such user" bounce.
> Hope this helps,
> Abigail
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