We do internet <-> [SA/virus scanner gateway] <-> [sendmail server] <->
[exchange server]

Some clients on the sendmail server, some on the exchange server. SA
works great for us, 300 employees, 5000 messages a day to/from the
internet (33-45% spam)


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stephane [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2003 3:42 PM
> Subject: [SAtalk] success stories with SA ?
> Hello again,
> Amongst the answers to my previous post ("has a large company 
> implemented SA") there was a very good idea on success 
> stories with SA... It is true that most of the people on the 
> net who would say they were happy with SA and that it worked 
> well for them are using it for their private use, or run a 
> server which does mailboxes storage as well (POP3/IMAP I 
> would imagine). However I couldn't find any description of a 
> successful implementation with a similar setup than ours -- I 
> would guess at least a few other companies must follow the same model.
> Our infrastructure would look like:
> Internet-->[SA]-->[Mailsweeper]-->[SMTP/Lotus Notes 
> gateway]-->Lotus Notes Mail reader on Client PC
> Each bracketed text is a separate server, so SA would be a 
> dedicated relay, with no local mailboxes, just a passthrough.
> The goal for us is to tag emails (X-Spam-Flag) in a first 
> step and let the Notes client put tagged msgs into a separate 
> folder (only saves time, bandwidth and storage are still used).
> In a second step we would like to quarantine all detected 
> spam at the SA server level (thus saving also bandwidth and storage). 
> I received many replies to my previous post from people who 
> work in companies having implemented SA, but none of them do 
> the blocking at the gateway level, they give the choice to 
> the users. With our infrastructure, we cannot do that, as the 
> SA server will not know anything about the mailboxes, it 
> would just be a relay, no local /var/spool/mail directory, no 
> local /home/xxx directory for the users !
> I think most companies are afraid of implementing opensource 
> software as a component for an important service such as 
> email. I think that generally even though people know email 
> has not been designed to be a 100% reliable protocol they 
> still make business with it.
> First of all, please let me highlight that the following 
> thoughts are not my personal views but difficult barriers to 
> face when you try to get opensource into a large 
> manufacturing company (not an ISP, not a software company) like ours.
> The major fears are:
> - opensource software is often made by hobbyists and these 
> people do not have the structure to provide software 
> support/bugfixes, or quick response to a big problem 
> incurring financial losses (no emails go through for example!)
> - are upgrades straightfoward and not causing problems to the 
> existing running system, are they well tested.
> - what if the SA project is abandoned, what if the source is 
> bought by a commercial vendor, in other words, what if SA as 
> it exists today disappears ? With opensource you cannot have 
> a contractual engagement to provide support or updates, nor 
> can you really know the roadmap for a product and what is 
> planned for future development
> Blocking spam-tagged emails at the gateway level as we intend 
> to do requires a good trust in the chosen spam filter product 
> !! And here is my point, this trust comes when you can point 
> at other and say: they use it, they are happy with it, and 
> all problems they encountered, they could fix them with the 
> help of xxxx and if they get any more problems they can rely 
> on xxxx to fix them quickly.
> I am desperate to get SA implemented (I just love it!!) but 
> we wouldn't like to reinvent the wheel if someone else did a 
> similar implementation
> I appreciate this is a very long email (apologies), if this 
> post has got nothing to do with this mailing list, I am more 
> than happy to carry the discussion off it with anyone who 
> feels they are in the same position as me, as my company.
> Best Regards,
> Stephane
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