On Tue, 2003-01-14 at 07:24, Daniel Quinlan wrote:
> "Andrew Joakimsen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > When forwarding a non-spam message with UebiMiau webmail, Spam Assasin
> > thinks it's spam! Anyone have any similar issues or know what I could
> > do to fix this?
> Well, that messages *does* trigger a lot of spam rules -- it contains a
> lot of formatting mistakes and behaviors particular to spammers,
> including:
>   - misformatted Date: header

While the Date clearly is a bug in the webmail client and should be
reported there,

>   - HTML only message with no text
>   - Outlook-ish headers, but not all of them (indicates someone trying
>     to look like Outlook ... incorrectly)

These two are perfectly legal to have. (But I, personally, wouldn't use
a webmail generating html-only mails, and would complain if I got
regularly sent such messages. But this is just a matter of taste).

If they trigger on all UebiMiau messages, a compensation rule in your
local.cf should do the trick:

header  X-Mailer ~= /UebiMiau/
score X-Mailer -1.0

or similar.

-- vbi

pub  1024D/92082481 2002-02-22 Adrian von Bidder 
     Key fingerprint = EFE3 96F4 18F5 8D65 8494  28FC 1438 5168 9208 2481

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Description: This is a digitally signed message part

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