"Andrew Joakimsen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> When forwarding a non-spam message with UebiMiau webmail, Spam Assasin
> thinks it's spam! Anyone have any similar issues or know what I could
> do to fix this?

Well, that messages *does* trigger a lot of spam rules -- it contains a
lot of formatting mistakes and behaviors particular to spammers,

  - misformatted Date: header
  - HTML only message with no text
  - Outlook-ish headers, but not all of them (indicates someone trying
    to look like Outlook ... incorrectly)

CARRIAGE_RETURNS had false positive problems (triggering on every
message for cerain people, you should disable it by setting the score to
0 if that is happening).  CARRIAGE_RETURNS is not going to be in 2.50.
> Also it seems that SA breaks HTML in email when the message is Spam,
> is that how it should be or just a slight bug or the result of editing
> the message?

Read up on the mime_defang option (which will be replaced by the
report_safe option in 2.50).  This really needs to be in the FAQ ... not
that anyone reads it.

Daniel Quinlan                      Linux, open source, and
http://www.pathname.com/~quinlan/    anti-spam consulting

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