I thought this was funny...  spam pimping anti-spam product by Cloudmark...

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Subject: Off Topic-SPAM and A solution
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I know for most of you internet Spam is a problem. We have managed to keep
it off our mail list but I keep my fingers crossed. I have tried a few "no
Spam" programs and found them to be lacking.

Recently a friend directed me to a company called Cloudmark. they have a
free Spam blocking program that is free to consumers. I have been using it
for about a month now and I am impressed. The actual Spam that now hits my
inbox is about 10% of what it was a month ago. It works with Microsoft
Outlook and Windows 98 and above. You download a small program and it sets
up a Spam folder to catch the Spam. It also sets up two buttons on your
toolbar, "Spam Block" and "unblock". when a Spam e mail comes onto your
inbox you click on the block button and it moves the message to the new Spam


BTW, I have no interest in this company other than I love the product and of
course the price, free. what could be better.

The address is:  http://www.cloudmark.com/products/spamnet/

Good luck and Happy New Year!


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