On Sat, Dec 21, 2002 at 12:20:30AM -0600, gs-list wrote:
> I have installed SpamAssassin 2.43 on my primary mailserver in a sitewide 
> configuration, so it filters all inbound mail on my server.
> a user preferences file.  I first set the SPAMD_ARGS to include a -c which, 
> according to the manpage for spamd, forces spamd to create the user 
> preferences files.   I cannot find the location where the spamd daemon is 
> creating these, if at all.  They're certainly not going into the 
> /home/username/.spamassassin directories.

The first question is:  define "sitewide configuration".

Are you running via the MTA, or in a global procmailrc, or ...?

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