Greetings fellow SpamAssassins:
I have installed SpamAssassin 2.43 on my primary mailserver in a sitewide
configuration, so it filters all inbound mail on my server.
I am having some difficulty with the SpamAssassin per-user preferences
configuration. I have attempted, in assorted methods, to get spamd to read
a user preferences file. I first set the SPAMD_ARGS to include a -c which,
according to the manpage for spamd, forces spamd to create the user
preferences files. I cannot find the location where the spamd daemon is
creating these, if at all. They're certainly not going into the
/home/username/.spamassassin directories.
I've also added the --virtual-config=dir and -x arguments, and supplied a
separate directory for files, titled username.prefs, where 'username' is
replaced with the username desiring the custom preferences. Spamassassin
is still not reading that preferences file, either.
Some users want the required score of 5, while other people want a much
"looser" score for SPAM filtering. This is why I need to utilize the
per-user configurations. It is entirely possible that I am doing something
wrong, and that I don't understand how this is supposed to be configured.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Unfortunately, the
documentation is not thorough enough to answer this question - I have
RTFM'd several times with no luck, and this is why I am asking you fine
people for your assistance!
Thank you in advance,
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Spamassassin-talk mailing list
- Re: [SAtalk] Assistance with SpamAssassin Configurat... gs-list
- Re: [SAtalk] Assistance with SpamAssassin Confi... Theo Van Dinter
- [SAtalk] Re: Assistance with SpamAssassin C... gs-list
- [SAtalk] Increase in low scoring spam? Rossz Vamos-Wentworth
- RE: [SAtalk] Increase in low scorin... Steve Thomas
- Re: [SAtalk] Increase in low scorin... Jonathan Nichols
- [SAtalk] Assistance with SpamAssassin Configura... gs-list
- Re: [SAtalk] Assistance with SpamAssassin C... Theo Van Dinter
- Re: [SAtalk] Assistance with SpamAssassin C... Mike Burger