>>>>> "DWM" == Darren W McClung <McClung> writes:

DWM> I wish.  In the last week, out of 4,816 messages, 2,744 (56%)
DWM> were spam, and I've blocked a good number of the problem
DWM> mailservers (*.colonize.com) at the firewall.

I have found that using a relays and proxy server block list at the
SMTP level (ie, refusing mail from open relays and open proxies) cuts
down the number of messages that SA needs to scan, greatly reducing
the load on my filtering box.

I've had exactly zero FP's with proxies.relays.monkeys.org open proxy
list (in use for about 2 months), and about 2 or 3 FP's with
relays.ordb.org (in use since MAPS went "private").

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