On Thu, 14 Nov 2002, Michael Stenner wrote:

> On Thu, Nov 14, 2002 at 08:19:56AM -0800, Bart Schaefer wrote:
> > (1) Require the existence of a special pseudo-user to which spamc must
> > setuid before it will pass the -u username to spamd.  (-U option?)
> > 
> > (2) Have spamc read a password from a file whose permissions must be set
> > such that only that uid can read it.  That password is sent along with the
> > username, and must match a password in another file readable only by the
> > user under which spamd starts (before setuid), e.g. root.
> As I understand it, your proposed method includes:
>   * having spamc be installed setuid and owned by this other user

Nope.  Spamc specifically MUST NOT be a setuid executable.  Rather, at
run time it must be able to execute the setuid() [or seteuid()] system
call, which means it must be running as root (which it is, if started
from /etc/procmailrc).  If it can't setuid(), it ignores the -u option
and does not send a password to spamd.  In other respects it works just
as it does now.

>   * having a plaintext password on disk, readable only by this other
>     user


> This way, spamc authenticates the user (because it knows who it's
> invoked by) and then spamd authenticates spamc (because only the
> system-wide setuid spamc could read the password).

Almost; spamc authenticates the user either by knowing who it's invoked
by (the case where setuid() fails) or by trusting root to pass it the
correct -u option (the case where setuid() succeeds).

The point is that this is only required if you want allow_user_rules 1.

On Thu, 14 Nov 2002, Michael Weber wrote:

> Why do we need to authenticate the user of spamc at all?  Are we
> worried about a remote user running spamc on their box and forging mail
> through ours?  A local user forging something through our box?

The issue is that, if allow_user_rules is 1, spamd can execute arbitrary
perl code.  That means that malicious user X could run "spamc -u Y" and
execute commands as Y.

If you aren't worried about malicious users, you don't need this.

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