
The MySQL (in this case, it's what I use) allows users to change or set
specific options for spamd, in the usual case the report_score, mime_defang,
report_body and white and black lists.

There is nothing to maintain, if the users aren't listed in the DB, then the
defaults are used.

This allows individual users the power to maintain their own settings or
not, depending on their preferences, through what ever interface you provide
them.  In our case it's a php page listed off our squirrelmail web mail

We don't use it for anything else than spamd with mysql, no auth, no user
databases, no passwords.  It's just a simple tool that allows us to give the
users what they want without us having to jump through hoops to allow text
based configs.

Works great, less filling and no grief.



----- Original Message -----
From: "Chris Petersen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Rick Macdougall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, October 28, 2002 7:10 PM
Subject: Re: [SAtalk] spamd and virtual users

> Why not use an SQL database instead?  That's what we do with vpopmail
> (although I'd love for qmail-scanner to have support for virtual users, oh
> well) and it works just dandy.

sql database for what?  authentication?  Or everything?  The only reason
these users are "virtual" is because they're not listed in /etc/passwd.
They still have home directories and will eventually have a web interface
to all kinds of things personal to just them.  I may eventually set up
some kind of ldap system, but for now, courier's authentication is more
than I need to take care of.  I guess my point is that these users have
more than just email coming into them, and I'd like to keep all of that
stuff organized into a single directory.


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