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In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Ted Cabeen writes:
>In message <007e01c27e9e$67ae6490$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "dogface" writes:
>>im using the php-sa-mysql as an interface
>>for the users to set their prefrences. so, i need
>>the amavisd-new to either not send the mail to
>>SA so i can set the SA to use the sql lookup or
>>have the amavisd-new to send the mail to SA 
>>With the sql lookups enabled.
>>i just need amaisd-new to not call SA or to
>>have amavisd-new call SA with the sql lookup enabled.
>>ok. i reread your reply. 
>>amavisd-new-20020630 can call SA with the sql lookup.
>>are there docs on how to configure this? i think that is the 
>>route i need to take.
>If you're going to do this, you may have problems with the SA SQL preferences.
>As a postfix content_filter, amavisd-new is run by the smtpd daemon when the
>mail is received.  This means that you can only set SA SQL preferences on the
>addresses that the mail is sent to, not the addresses that it's delivered to.
>If you want to do SQL preferences based on the delivery address(es), you need
>to do SA filtering somewhere in the local transport (or the alternate local
>transport that you have set).  Depending on how you do local mail delivery,
>either procmail or the spamcheck.py script may be more appropriate for your
>Unfortunately, this seems to be a side effect of how postfix implements
>content_filter, and will be a problem with amavisd-new regardless of how it 
>does per-user SA preferences.

You know what, I may be wrong here.  I'm still looking for details, but from 
some of the comments on postfix-users, it looks like cleanup is done before 
content_filter, so this may not actually be a real problem.

- -- 
Ted Cabeen           http://www.pobox.com/~secabeen            [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
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Comment: Exmh version 2.5 07/13/2001


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