Eric, | im using the php-sa-mysql as an interface | for the users to set their prefrences. so, i need | the amavisd-new to either not send the mail to | SA so i can set the SA to use the sql lookup or | have the amavisd-new to send the mail to SA | With the sql lookups enabled. ... | ok. i reread your reply. | amavisd-new-20020630 can call SA with the sql lookup. | are there docs on how to configure this? i think that is the | route i need to take. | | my only concern is for the people that like spam. i think i | can set the spam level high enough for all the mail to pass | through without being tagged for all the users and then have | the people that want the amil to be tagged set a lower level.
See file README.lookups that comes with amavisd-new-20020630. Also available at: You may disable spam checking as a per-recipient amavisd-new SQL setting, or you may use ACL or hash lookups (@spam_lovers_acl and %spam_lovers) for the same purpose (in /etc/amavisd.conf). To completely turn off spam checking in amavisd-new-20020630, specify: @bypass_spam_checks_acl = qw( . ); # bypass SA checks for everybody (even if you turn off calls to SA in amavisd-new-20020630 using bypass_spam_checks, SA is still initialized, but later not used. With the comming amavisd-new, SA will not even be loaded if bypass_spam_checks lookups would return true for any recipient). Mark ------------------------------------------------------- This email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek Welcome to geek heaven. _______________________________________________ Spamassassin-talk mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]