im using the php-sa-mysql as an interface for the users to set their prefrences. so, i need the amavisd-new to either not send the mail to SA so i can set the SA to use the sql lookup or have the amavisd-new to send the mail to SA With the sql lookups enabled.
ahhh, i looked at the logs again. this is what i see from the logs. postfix-smtpd/amavisd-new/SA/postfix-smtp/procmail is the way i see it going now. so i guess i do not need amaisd-new to call procmail. i just need amaisd-new to not call SA or to have amavisd-new call SA with the sql lookup enabled. ok. i reread your reply. amavisd-new-20020630 can call SA with the sql lookup. are there docs on how to configure this? i think that is the route i need to take. my only concern is for the people that like spam. i think i can set the spam level high enough for all the mail to pass through without being tagged for all the users and then have the people that want the amil to be tagged set a lower level. wow. this is monday alright. Thank you for the help so far. Eric, | ok. i thought that would be the right | route to go with. ill recompile the amavisd-new | without the SA option. then ill have amavisd-new | send it to procmail then have the procmail send it to | the spamassassin with the mysql option. | | i was already using the amavisd-new-20020517 | so this will not be difficult, i hope. | | does anyone think this might be pushing it as far as | the limits of the machine that is going to be proccessing | all this? | postfix/amavisd-new/procmail/spamd/mailbox | on a 1.5ghz machine. Hmm. Possible, although unusual and certainly not efficient, neither very dependable. To call procmail from amavisd-new you would have to choose mail_via_pipe forwarding method (./amavis/mta/postfix_init), and set variables $sendmail_wrapper and $sendmail_wrapper_args to replace calling sendmail by a call to procmail. I don't think anyone has tried it like that yet. There might be privilege issuses to be resolved (procmail may not like being called as vscan/amavis UID, and you may not like running amavisd daemon as root). | does that look like how it is going to run? Depends on how much mail traffic your host needs to handle. | umm. i have been working on getting | amavisd-new20020517 to not send the mail to | spamassassin. i recompiled the amavisd-new with these options. | | ./configure --enable-postfix --with-sendmail-wrapper=/usr/sbin/sendmail | --disable-razor --disable-spamassassin | --with-warnrecip=yes --with-warnadmin=no | | it is still sending the mail to sa. | what do i use to configure amavisd-new not to use sa? There is not configure option to do that, The amavisd-new-20020517 distribution comes with two variants of and Chose the one that you want ( in your case) and copy it to, then run configure again. ... although this is the default in the source distribution, so I don't know how you got the to be your source. Btw, for what purpose you need SQL lookups? The amavisd-new-20020630 can use SQL to do sender whitelisting, and to get the per-user spam thresholds from SQL database (although there are some improvements comming in the area of per-recipient handling in the upcomming release - you may want to wait for that). Calling SA directly by amavisd-new without going via procmail and spamc/spamc would be much more dependable and fast solution. Your time might be better spent in modifying how amavisd-new calls SA to do what you need, that trying to figure out how to implement the chain you had in mind. Mark ------------------------------------------------------- This email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek Welcome to geek heaven. _______________________________________________ AMaViS-user mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] AMaViS-FAQ: AMaViS-HowTos: ------------------------------------------------------- This email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek Welcome to geek heaven. _______________________________________________ Spamassassin-talk mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]