Well I can answer some parts of your question. First I'll refer you to the man file.

man Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf

This will tell you how to format whitelist and blacklist commands.

Put your own custom rules/whitelists/blacklists in your ~/.spamassassin/user_prefs (the one in your home directory) or /etc/mail/spamasassin/local.cf.

If you want some example rules, you can look at the standard rules in /usr/share/spamassassin/ (note: might be /usr/local/share/spamassassin on some setups). It is possible to edit these files directly however I'd strongly advise you not do so, since the changes will be obliterated when you upgrade. You can turn off any rules you don't like in the default set by forcing their score to 0 in your user_prefs or local.cf.

Since bayes isn't in the officially released version of SA, and I'm not running a CVS version, I can't help you with bayes configuration.

The big "modules" of SpamAssassin to be aware of when setting up your configuration are: (in rough order of importance, you probably won't need to think about all of these)

1) manual whitelist/blacklist entries.
2) the DNS blacklists (ie: RCVD_IN_OSIRUSOFT)
3) the auto-whitelist (if you have turned it on) also called the AWL
4) If you want to use them, the optional razor, razor2, pyzor, and DCC systems that SA is capable of calling.
5) the language/locality preferences of SA (also described in the above man page) if you want to use that feature to blacklist some languages.

There are a couple of others you shouldn't need to know much about, but might want to tinker with later on as you become an "advanced" user.
1) the bayesian filter, when it's released.
2) the regex based header/body/rawbody rules and their respective scores. (some users add their own regex rules, but there's no strict need for you to do so to make SA work)
3) the eval rules which call functions in evaltests.pm (note: this is pretty advanced and requires a good knowledge of perl, generally only developers need to work on this part)

At 07:40 PM 11/4/2002 +0100, Thomas Nyman wrote:

Thankfully spamassassin works without much configuration. However its very
hard to learn how to do special configurations. I have looked thouroughly
at the documents on the Spamassassin.org site, and I have also looked at
man spamassassin. Still I do not comprehend basics...I'm sure its my
fault, still it leaves me wanting.

What I can't seem to fathom is HOW configuration changes are made. What
are the different Mail_Spamassassin , Mail_Spamassassin_Bayes,
Mail_Spam_Assassin_Conf etc? Are they pearl scripts that do something?

Let me take an example..I was thinking of setting up whitelist and
blacklist ... but how seems hard to discover

I have noted my Spamassassin folder in my home directory and I know there
is a file for user configuration..but I need to get a feel for
Spamassassin and for any "modules" (for lack of a word).

I may not be making myself clear..english may ne a global language but it
isnt my native tounge.

Anyway, hopefully someone understands my problem and takes pity. Please
dont tell me to read the manual, because it hasnt helped so far :)


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