I think what you're looking for is in man Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf. That
outlines the configuration parameters which can be put into your
~/.spamassassin/user_prefs (per user config) and
/etc/mail/spamassassin/local.cf (sitewide config).

Whitelist entries would be in the form of

whitelist_from     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
whitelist_to       [EMAIL PROTECTED]


| -----Original Message-----
| [mailto:spamassassin-talk-admin@;lists.sourceforge.net]On Behalf Of
| Thomas Nyman
| Sent: Monday, November 04, 2002 10:41 AM
| Subject: [SAtalk] Understanding Spamassassin
| Hi
| Thankfully spamassassin works without much configuration. However its very
| hard to learn how to do special configurations. I have looked thouroughly
| at the documents on the Spamassassin.org site, and I have also looked at
| man spamassassin. Still I do not comprehend basics...I'm sure its my
| fault, still it leaves me wanting.
| What I can't seem to fathom is HOW configuration changes are made. What
| are the different Mail_Spamassassin , Mail_Spamassassin_Bayes,
| Mail_Spam_Assassin_Conf etc? Are they pearl scripts that do something?
| Let me take an example..I was thinking of setting up whitelist and
| blacklist ... but how seems hard to discover
| I have noted my Spamassassin folder in my home directory and I know there
| is a file for user configuration..but I need to get a feel for
| Spamassassin and for any "modules" (for lack of a word).
| I may not be making myself clear..english may ne a global language but it
| isnt my native tounge.
| Anyway, hopefully someone understands my problem and takes pity. Please
| dont tell me to read the manual, because it hasnt helped so far :)
| Thomas
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