Hi Thankfully spamassassin works without much configuration. However its very hard to learn how to do special configurations. I have looked thouroughly at the documents on the Spamassassin.org site, and I have also looked at man spamassassin. Still I do not comprehend basics...I'm sure its my fault, still it leaves me wanting.
What I can't seem to fathom is HOW configuration changes are made. What are the different Mail_Spamassassin , Mail_Spamassassin_Bayes, Mail_Spam_Assassin_Conf etc? Are they pearl scripts that do something? Let me take an example..I was thinking of setting up whitelist and blacklist ... but how seems hard to discover I have noted my Spamassassin folder in my home directory and I know there is a file for user configuration..but I need to get a feel for Spamassassin and for any "modules" (for lack of a word). I may not be making myself clear..english may ne a global language but it isnt my native tounge. Anyway, hopefully someone understands my problem and takes pity. Please dont tell me to read the manual, because it hasnt helped so far :) Thomas ------------------------------------------------------- This SF.net email is sponsored by: ApacheCon, November 18-21 in Las Vegas (supported by COMDEX), the only Apache event to be fully supported by the ASF. http://www.apachecon.com _______________________________________________ Spamassassin-talk mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/spamassassin-talk