
I've a quick scan through the list, but can't find a solution to my
install problem.

I'm a bit if a Linux newbie, but willing to learn.  

When tried to install SA I got the following  (using perl Makefile.PL
PREFIX=~/sausr SYSCONFDIR=~/saetc )

[admin@simplyhosting Mail-SpamAssassin-2.42]$ Writing Makefile for
bash: Writing: command not found 
[admin@simplyhosting Mail-SpamAssassin-2.42]$ Unable to open
MakeMaker.tmp: Permission denied at /usr/lib/perl5/5.6.1/ExtUtils 
bash: Unable: command not found 
[admin@simplyhosting Mail-SpamAssassin-2.42]$ /MakeMaker.pm line 759. 
bash: /MakeMaker.pm: No such file or directory 

I spoke to by host admin who said:

"you can't change the permission on /usr/lib/perl5/5.6.1/ExtUtils -
instead you should arrange to install the modules in

Is this making sense?  Hope so,

OK.  How do I tell the installer to install the modules as above?

As an aside, if I install via install Mail::SpamAssassin
I get a whole series of BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at etc
statements during the install.

Can someone offer any light onto this please, or offer a simple

Has anyone else installed SA on a DSVR.net server?

Hope someone can help,

Many thanks


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