Erik Berry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> As far as I can tell, defang_mime has nothing to do with my question.
> In fact, I'm aware I have that option turned on and have read the
> complete documentation (I even drafted one section of it a few months
> ago).

Sorry, my mistake.  It's such a FAQ, I had blinders on when looking over
your example.

I don't have any examples of that type of spam in my corpus, so I don't
know whether it happens often to write a rule, but if anyone has spam
saved in a maildir-style folder (one mail per file), you can do this to
see if you have any:

  $ find spam_dir -type f|xargs egrep -c '^[A-Za-z0-9/+]{60,77}$'|egrep -v 
':[0-3]$'|cut -f1 -d:|xargs egrep -Li base64 > /tmp/file-list

  then look over the files listed in /tmp/file-list

That's basically how you'd write the rule, something like this:

body SURPRISE_BASE64            eval:check_for_surprise_base64()
describe SURPRISE_BASE64        Body has base64 content we weren't expecting

------- start of cut text --------------
sub check_for_surprise_base64 {
  my ($self) = @_;

  return 0 if $self->{found_encoding_base64};

  my $count = 0;
  for (@{$self->{msg}->get_body()}) {
    if (/^[A-Za-z0-9\/+]{60,77}$/) {
      return 1 if $count > 5;
    else {
      $count = 0;
  return 0;
------- end ----------------------------

I'm not even sure if that will run, but it should be pretty close.

If this is happening a lot, perhaps you could open a bug ticket and
attach complete examples?


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